About us

The Sunderland Collection

Maps of the Sky and Earth

Oculi Mundi is the online home of the Sunderland Collection.

The Sunderland Collection comprises exquisite cartographic objects dating from c1200 to the early 19th century CE.

Featuring world maps, celestial maps, atlases, books of knowledge and globes, it is a unique curation showcasing the evolution of knowledge, as well as a striking celebration of human exploration, discovery and sheer wonder.

The Collection was founded over 30 years ago by Dr Neil Sunderland, an avid traveller to remote places and a friend of high mountains, who has been passionate about maps, diverse cultures, and ideas for many years. It began as a personal passion over 30 years ago and has evolved into a sophisticated corporate collection.

The core mission of the Sunderland Collection is to be as accessible as possible worldwide, for study or simple enjoyment. It is for this reason that it has been digitised in full and presented on the virtual platform of Oculi Mundi - The Eyes of the World.

As it continues to grow, we endeavour to include further items that broadly represent cultural lenses and thought systems.

The Sunderland Collection also actively champions heritage skills, craftsmanship, art, and the exploration of ideas. This is reflected in the Sunderland Collection Art Programme, our collaborations with makers, and the podcast What's Your Map?

Honouring human achievement across the centuries, the Collection's vision is to be inclusive and dynamic, moving forward as part of a global community of engaged and curious travellers.

Enquiries and collaborations from individuals are most welcome, as is engagement with other collections, and academic institutions.

This collection is a small contribution to a better understanding of human endeavour and the development of thought, a never-ending story.”

- Neil Sunderland

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